The older I get the more I think deeper about things in my life. Questions like "What really makes me happy?" "Where is my career going from here and will that add to my happiness" "Can I eat a burger in that dress and still feel comfortable (not deep but definitely important when deciding lunch in a tight dress - see image below, the answer was no)?" We all know our style changes as we change. The dresses I wore when I was 21, I wouldn't even consider as I get closer to turning 30. Style much like life, is fluid. Never to stay the same, never to stop evolving. As I creep closer to the big 3-0, I think about my life very differently than I have before. Making more decisions for the long haul and less consideration on just the short term. I have a bachelor's in Accounting and after almost a decade in the industry, have started to question my happiness in my career. I thought, just because I'm good (screw it, great*) at a job doesn't mean I have passion for it. This blog deviates a little from the normal fashion post but circles back (I swear). I started to question, What is my passion in life? What do I enjoy doing and what would I do if money were no object? I decided I spent far too much of my free time looking at fashion blogs. I was watching TV the other day and could name the brand of jeans the actress was wearing purely based off the stiching. At that point, I knew my obsession had gone too far. I needed to explore how an accountant could ever switch industries into the fashion world. I'm pretty close to the beginning of this journey but am excited to see how my life changes now that my happiness is at the center of my decisions. Fashion, as fluid as it is, can have some timeless consistent factors to it. Much like accounting, however boring, can bring value to a fashion career. As my fashion keeps evolving, I'm learning more and more about myself. I've learned I no longer feel comfortable in those dresses that end right below my bum, and comfort is now a big factor when buying heels. Fur would never have entered my wardrobe 10 years ago but you bet I just bought the best (foe)fur vest life has to offer the other day (Thanks Luci boutique!). Finding myself may have changed my opinion on my career but it is also helping evolve my sense of fashion. My advice is to try on something you may not have ever considered before, break out your norms and evolve. Grow your style; after all how will you know if it works for you before you try it? Keep those timeless looks (my chucks will never go) but keep growing, keep changing, and keep finding yourself and your style. Xoxo.